Monday, August 15, 2011

Send me, I will GO

♫♪Send me I will go
Send me I will
to this city, to this nation
and to the nations of the world

Send me I will go
Send me I will go
I will proclaim the truth 
that Jesus Christ is Lord♫♪

Whoaah! God gave me a new desire last night. That is to travel and explore the world and to proclaim the good news at the same time. Therefore, I want to be a missionary! Yipeee!

Aside from Jesus, my favorite missionary is the Super Apostle Paul. We all know that Apostle Paul was used by God in his missionary and evangelistic activities and He wrote half of the New Testament.

Being a missionary is difficult especially when you already have your own family that is why I told Daddy God to give me a best friend/best partner in life who has the same desire like mine. I also know that there are a lot of Pros and Cons on being a missionary like health issue but Apostle Paul says that “I can do all this through Him (Jesus) who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13, NIV).

Now, what about the Pros of being a missionary? Well, this is what I found out:
1) You get to travel. – I love to travel and explore the world, right?
2) Money isn't the point of what you do.
3) You discover all kinds of interesting things about yourself and the world.
4) You are forced to depend on God more.
5) You build new relationships and maintain them better, because you need supporters.
6) You get invited to all kinds of events to speak.
7) You get a "get into heaven free" card.
8) Work hours are flexible.
9) Prayer is a part of work.

“Being a missionary is tough and stressful, but it also incredibly fulfilling and rewarding.”  - Jeff Goins

Let’s pray.

Dear Daddy God,

Thank you for the new desire you put in my heart. It will be a tough and challenging work for a person like me. Hihihi! Because you know my weaknesses and strength, Dad, and you know what I mean. I know that you are not looking for ability but for availability. I also know that you will supply all my needs because you have all the resources. I trust you, Dad and I am willing to be used by you so that I will be able to make a difference. In Jesus’ name! Amen.


For God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable. – Romans 11:29, NIV

About Me

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Glaiza Samson-Siron
A seeker and lover of our Lord Jesus Christ. A favored princess who is patiently waiting for our King’s promises comes to pass. A child of the Most High God who is hungry and thirsty to our Abba Father’s words. A person who wants to be the person God wants her to be.
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