Thursday, April 26, 2012
He is True!
Praise God! The 6th Recognition of Outstanding LGUs Implementing the Streamlining Program in Central Luzon is successful! Our team works over time for two nights because of this event. We can now relax and sleep comfortably. Wiiiiiiiiii!
During the event, our Center Manager assigned me to the registration of the visitors. Honestly, I love being in the front desk. I love seeing and meeting new people.
After my assignment is done, I grab the opportunity to read my bible and ask God for a revelation. Our God is faithful and he gave me a revelation that day.
Then David asked the Lord, “Should I chase after this band of raiders? Will I catch them?” And the Lord told him, “Yes, go after them. You will surely recover everything that was taken from you!” (1 Samuel 30:8, NLT)
If you notice in the scripture above, David asked the Lord and He answered him, “You will surely recover everything that was taken from you!”
Let us read the next scripture, “18 David got back everything the Amalekites had taken, and he rescued his two wives. 19 Nothing was missing: small or great, son or daughter, nor anything else that had been taken. David brought everything back. 20 He also recovered all the flocks and herds, and his men drove them ahead of the other livestock. “This plunder belongs to David!” they said.” (1 Samuel 30:18-20, NLT)
When God said, “You will surely overcome/prosper” or whatsoever promises He made to you, believe that He will do it. God is true to his words, to his promises, you only have to ask.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Fret not.
The Lord will send the right people in your life.
Jesus loves you!
***Short post
Monday, April 23, 2012
I Want it All!
Credits belong to Girlfriends in God. Enjoy reading... :)
I Want it All!
Mary Southerland
Mary Southerland
Today's Truth
Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever (Psalm 136:2, NIV).
Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever (Psalm 136:2, NIV).
Friend to Friend
I want it all. I want everything God has for me. However, I don't believe my life really reflects that attitude. I tend to settle for so much less than God's very best for my life.
You may have heard the story of the man who died and went to Heaven. He was met at the Pearly Gates by Saint Peter who welcomed the man and then said, "Let's take a look around Heaven and then I will show you to your new home." The man was stunned by the beauty and grandeur of Heaven and could hardly wait to see what his house looked like. Peter finally stopped in front of a beautiful mansion and said, "Here you are. This is your home in Heaven. How do you like it?" The man stared in awe at the place where he would spend eternity. "I can't wait to see what it looks like on the inside," the man exclaimed. Saint Peter took the man by the arm and said, "Let's take a look."
When Saint Peter opened the front door, the man gasped at the sight before him. Beautiful boxes of all shapes and sizes were stacked from the ceiling to the floor in every room. "I don't understand. What are all of these boxes doing here?" Saint Peter sadly smiled and said, "We will have them removed as soon as possible. These are all of the blessings we had waiting for you on earth – but you never asked for them. Now it's too late."
God longs to pour out His blessings on His children. We have somehow bought into the lie that we will receive good things from God by working harder, trying to be better or doing more good things. Friend, that is from the pit and smells like smoke.
We are saved by God's grace and nothing we do or don't do will ever be good enough to earn the favor of God. In Ephesians the apostle Paul tells us that salvation is a gift – period.
Ephesians 2:8 (NIV) "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God … "
If we could earn salvation, it would simply be a salary for works we have done. We are saved through faith in God alone. Salvation and the blessings of God are His gifts to us. We simply receive them. And yet, we try to make the blessings of God seem almost impossible to experience. He is just waiting for us to seek Him … to listen for His voice … and then to follow Him.
Just imagine that today is your child's birthday. You have a wonderful party planned and have spent a lot of time picking out the perfect birthday gift. Do you expect your child to earn that gift by cleaning the house, doing the laundry, taking out the trash and completing every job on a very long list of chores you have prepared? Of course not! You simply want to delight in the joy on your child's face when he or she receives and opens that special gift.
I have received the gift of salvation as have many of you. We have surrendered our lives to Him and are seeking to follow Him. But I want everything He has planned for me – don't you? The good news is that God wants us to come to Him with "shameless audacity" and ask for His blessings.
Luke 11:5-10 Then Jesus said to them, "Suppose you have a friend and you go to him at midnight and say, 'Friend, lend me three loaves of bread; a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have no food to offer him.' And suppose the one inside answers, 'Don't bother me. The door is already locked, and my children and I are in bed. I can't get up and give you anything.' I tell you, even though he will not get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity he will surely get up and give you as much as you need. So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Did you catch the mind-blowing truth in this passage of Scripture? The words "shameless audacity" jumped out at me for the first time as my husband preached a powerful message on this passage of Scripture. Don't miss this truth, friend! God wants us to pray and live and breathe with the mindset that we want everything He has planned for us now and eternally! And we can come to Him with that shameless audacity – not because of anything we have done – but because of who He is and what He has planned for each one of us. He is God! He is our Lord and Savior and our Father who is just waiting to pour out His amazing blessings on His children. Why? Because He loves us! He adores us! We were created by God for God. As Max Lucado says, "If God had a refrigerator our pictures would be on it!"
Today, grab hold of the truth that in the eyes of God you are somebody special. You are planned and wanted. You belong. You are chosen. Come before Him and tell Him you want it all! Yes, you want everything He has planned for you! Now hold out your hands, friend. God's highest and richest blessings for your life are on their way!
Let's Pray
Father, I am tired of settling for the meager leftovers this world has to offer. Forgive me for not being willing to step out in faith and seek You and the plan You have for my life. Lord, I really do want everything You have in store for me. Right now, I come to You in shameless audacity and ask that You pour those blessings into my life. I receive them from Your hand of mercy and grace and thank You in advance for what You are going to do in my life as I seek and follow You.
In Jesus' name,Amen.
Dream Revelation and Interpretation #2
I had a very alarming dream and interpretation yesterday. So sad but that’s what happening to me lately.
In my dream, my friend’s family is living in a foreign country (which I do not want to name). Toni called and informed me that Jejedad was rushed to the hospital and they want me to visit him. I packed my things and booked a flight in the foreign country.
When I arrived to the country, I saw people wearing mascaras and dancing in the street while worshipping gods. I suddenly felt scared upon seeing the people and their gods.
At the hospital, I asked the room of Jejedad to the guard on duty. In reply, he told me that Jejedad is in Gospel Room. I went inside of the hospital and I searched for the room. Inside the Gospel Room, I saw Jejedad lying in his bed with Jejemom, Toni with her boy friend, Baby Tash and Ate Joan.
Then Ate Joan informed me that Pastor Dan called her a week ago and told her that he is also that foreign country. But Ate Joan told him that she had no time to meet him. In response, I told her to asked Pastor Dan to meet us so that we can ask him to pray for Jejedad to get healed.
When I woke up, I thought all my dreams and I asked the Lord if He has something to tell me. While thinking about the message of my dream, I suddenly felt sad. In my dreams before, when I am scared, I pray. When I see people who are ill or sick, I pray for them to get healed. But in that dream it’s very different. I saw scary people and I felt scared. I saw Jejedad’s condition and I asked other people to pray for him to be healed.
After I get the message of the dream, I evaluated/assessed my prayer life for the past few weeks. Honestly, I failed to pray lately. I’m too busy with things that are worthless. I cried and I asked God for forgiveness. I know He is just and gracious to forgive me but I still feel guilty. Satan bombarded my mind with negative thoughts and condemning me to the things that I’ve done. I know that there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). I know the Holy Spirit will help me to overcome my failure and He will empower me.
Let’s pray.
Dear Daddy God,
Father, I need your power and strength to help me overcome my failure. Forgive me for prioritizing things that are worthless over you. I am so sorry, Dad. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Friday, April 20, 2012
We are Christ's Ambassadors
Last Sunday, Krisette (my prayer partner) assigned me to lead the prayer time for the Catalyst Night Watch. I asked God what word He wants me to share with my kapatids then He led me to my previous posts which are the transformation He did to me.
During the prayer time/watch night, I asked the changes made to them by God when they encounter Him or when they accept Him as they personal God and Savior.
Ida shared that the transformation or changed that God did to her is radical. She added that she was transform when she least expected it.
On the other hand, one of Ida’s disciples shared that his friends was inviting him to attend the church for 5 years. When all of his friends stop on inviting him, he attended a Sunday Celebration. His curiosity has given way for him to attend and from then on, he accepted Christ as his personal God and Savior. He added that God is still at work to Him.
In addition, I told them that we are “work” in progress of God. We are all under construction because we have a progressive God.
I told the group to open their bible in the book of 2 Corinthians 5:17, “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”
Since we are now a new person, God gave us a new identity. Actually, we have many new identities and one of them is written in verse 20, “So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”
I searched for the word “ambassador” in the internet and here what I found out:
A diplomatic official of the highest rank, sent by one Sovereign and an authorized representative or messenger.
We know that God has the dominion over all the earth, right? God authorized us as his representative or messenger to share the gospel to the unbelievers and to win souls for Him. As an authorized representative or messenger our task is to obey the command of the Sovereign that we must execute.
+ + + + +
Guys, I would like to take this opportunity to promote my friend's (D’s) new blog. I know that he is not new to you because most of the blogs that are listed on my “Co-Heirs” tab are from him. If you have time, please visit his blog.
Let’s pray,
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the transformation you did in our lives. We know that we are now a new creation and you have given us a new identity. Dad, help us to change us more according to your will and plans for us. We love you. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Promise #108
Credits belong to 365Promises... Enjoy reading. God bless!
Isaiah 12:2 WEB
Behold, God is my salvation. I will trust, and will not be afraid;
for Yah, Yahweh, is my strength and song; and he has become my salvation.”
for Yah, Yahweh, is my strength and song; and he has become my salvation.”
Promise #108: You can trust in Me, for I am your strength and your song.
God loves it when we trust Him. Trusting God is truly committing our lives into His care and not trying to manage life all on our own. In Proverbs 3:5-6, we are encouraged to trust in the Lord with all our heart and to not lean to our own understanding. God wants us to lean into His care today and not depend upon our own ability to manage life.
When we realize that our God and Father is indeed trustworthy, then we will not be afraid of anything that comes our way. We will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that the LORD is our strength and our song and our very salvation. However, before we can truly enjoy the benefits of living a fearless life filled with God's strength and His song, we need to deal with the trust issue.
God wants to restore childlike trust to each one of us. The trust that was broken when we were little children can be restored in our relationship with our heavenly Dad because He is indeed trustworthy in every way. My prayer is that we would all would trust in our Abba more today than we did yesterday and that our ability to trust in God would increase every day for the rest of our lives.
God is our salvation. We will trust in His goodness and not be afraid. He is our strength and the song that we sing every day. Hallelujah for such a wonderful salvation!
See, God has come to save me. I will trust in him and not be afraid. The LORD God is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.
(Isaiah 12:2, NLT)
Monday, April 16, 2012
Open Rebuke
I texted selected friends awhile ago that if they have feeling of resentment towards me, it is better to tell it straight on my face than to know it through other people and worst that they are treating me as if I do not exist or they are giving me “cold shoulders”.
Why I send them messages like that? Am I experiencing it right now? To be honest, I experienced it before and I do not want to happen again that is why I’m telling my friends in advance. LOL!
My friend and I have this close friend of ours. She is like a big sister to us. She helps and gives us advices in our work and life, she is our 911 and she is our model in travel and adventure. Suddenly, everything has changed. We do not know the reason why she changed. She is treating us as if we do not exist and when we talk or ask something from her we can only get 2 words per answer or sometimes we can only receive a nod or make face as her answer. Ouch, right?
Weeks, months and even years had passed, we still do not know the reason why. But I only know one thing, we missed her a lot! We are still hoping that someday we will be like the old year’s again—chatting up to 12mn, dining out, etc.
Aside from that, 2 weeks ago, our life group had a surprise open forum. One of my kapatids confessed to our leader that she was offended on what she did months ago. She stated her side and everything that happened during those times. She said to us, “I know that I am not that person. Satan keeps on feeding me negative thoughts. While Jeng is praying for me, I told myself, “fine! Cry whatever you want! And Say whatever you want to say! But I won’t listen to you!”” Our leader was surprised to her confession then she said to her, “I know that there is an evil spirit who is feeding you negative thoughts that time.” Then my kapatid asked for forgiveness to our leader.
A moment later, another kapatid confessed that she was offended, none other than by me. Like Jeng, I was surprised to what she told us. The incident happened when our life group leader was assigned to exhort at His Life Laguna. She added that she was unable to sleep for one week because of that incident. Then Jeng asked me if I know about the matter. I told her, “I do not know that I offended her. I asked her to move because many people came in front for the altar call.” Jeng told us, “It’s better to say right away that you are offended by someone else. Like what happened to my kapatid, she was unable to sleep for one week while I sleep comfortably”.
After that night, it made me appreciate and love our group more. As the scripture says, “An open rebuke is better than hidden love” (Proverbs 27:5, NLT)
Let’s pray.
Dear Daddy God,
I thank you for the lives of my sisters in Christ. I know that circumstances like these make us stronger, happier and matured. Father, I pray that we will be an encourager and helper for one another to keep the fire burning in our heart. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!
Heart Issue
I’m the type of person who is easily to fall in love, to get hurt and to believe, in short I’m receptive. I took seriously everything that I see, hear and feel, even though they are jokes, half meant or true.
But that attitude changed when I learned to put my trust to God and learned to consult Him. God gave me the gift of discernment (though sometimes I’m still being fooled because I trust the person/people involve so much, hehehe!) and wisdom to know what is right and wrong.
With regard in my easily to fall in love attitude, I asked God to help me guard my heart (Proverbs 4:23) because I cannot do it alone and I need His guidance. I even prayed this prayer to Him, “Dad, please do not awaken love until the time is right (Song ofSolomon 8:4)”. Meaning I don’t want to fall in love until the man that I am praying for has not arrived and I'm not yet ready.
Now, while the man that I am praying has not arrived, I requested God to transform me more so that I would be the woman/partner/companion, my BPIL (Best Partner In Life) is praying for.
Let’s pray.
Dear Daddy God,
I thank you for helping me guard my heart and for not stirring or awakening love until the time is right. I know that in your perfect timing you will reveal my BPIL and I to each other. I love you. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Fatherly Love
I’m a “work” in progress of our Creator. I have so many bad or negative characters that God is dealing with me. Aside from being fearful and timid, I’m also a doubter or worrier especially for the love of our Heavenly Father.
My life story can be a movie. If you read my previous posts, you will understand what I’m talking about. If not, I can review it for you.
I came from a broken family, my Dad is a Muslim and he has five (5) wives and we are his 5th family. Because we are his 5th family, he is not living with us. I only have little memories or moments (like we go fishing) with him. We barely spend time but I know that he is trying his best to be with us especially when we need him.
When I’m only 13 years of age, God called my Dad to be with Him. My youngest sibling is only 3 years old then. I am worrying what will happen to us that time because my Mom is just a plain housewife meaning she is not working or whatsoever.
My Dad’s first family asked me if I want to pursue my studies. Of course, I want to! They said that I will pursue my studies but I have to live with them in Mabalacat (away from my Mom and siblings). Because of my eagerness to finish my studies, I left my Mom and my siblings at San Fernando.
Since my Dad died, my Mom opened a store. She is waking up as early as 3 o’clock in the morning to buy raw meats and vegetables at Pampang Market to sell in our baryo.
After 4 years, my Mom was diagnosed of Breast Cancer. I witnessed her suffering due to her illness that made me think if God really exists. After 2 years, my Mom died and it made my whole life upside down. I started doubting, questioning and hating God. I hate Him more than I know Him. If God has favorites, I am His least favorite!
I hated God for more than 5 years and in those years, I cursed Him so much! My vision about God changed when I encounter Him; I began to know that He is not like what I’m thinking about. God loves to lavish His love for us (1 John 3:1), He has no favorites (Galatians 2:6) and He never leaves nor forsakes me (Hebrews 13:5).
When I know Him, I started repenting for all my sins. You know what made me dumbfounded? He forgives me (1 John 1:9), He welcomes me (Luke 15:20) and He gave up everything He loved to gain my love (Romans 8:31-32).
From then on, I started calling God as “Dad” because He is our Father, our Heavenly Father. My friends can attest to that.
Regarding to my doubting and worrying character, God told me to “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalms 46:10b). I know that in His presence everything will be fine. Like what my mentor/leader always says, “You are entitled to worry if God is not sitting on His throne anymore” which I know that it’s impossible.
Now, if you have doubting and worrying character like me, I will tell you like what God told me, “Be still in His presence”. Because in His presence, we are safe, guarded, protected and secured. Always remember that nothing can separate us from His love.
Let’s pray.
Dear Daddy God
We are in awe of you! Truly, that you are the God of love. We are so blessed that we have a loving and caring Father. We know that everything that is happening to us is according to your purpose and will. We love you. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen!
The Transformation
I never thought that I would become a leader (a life group leader). If you know me personally, you will also agree with me. I’m a type of person who is afraid in talking in front of a crowd. There are lots of butterflies in my stomach which makes me stutter when I speak.
I still remember when my friend and I dine in a resto. He asked me to bless or to pray for the food but I told him, “lead the prayer, please” or “let’s pray on our own”. That’s how timid I am. Aside from that, I am afraid that I might say the wrong words when I pray.
But when I encounter God, everything had changed. He told me that, “I did not give you a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7, NLT). From then on I took that word seriously and I overcome my fear. Every time I am facilitating or leading a life group, a prayer and love offering exhortation, I always say to myself that I am courageous, confident and the Holy Spirit is with me.
The transformation is not that fast. It takes time and effort to do it but you cannot do it on your own. You really need the power of the Holy Spirit to work in you. But the Holy Spirit cannot work if you don’t want him to allow working in you.
Like what Pastor Anthony always say, “appreciate, acknowledge and allow the Holy Spirit to work in your midst” because apart from Him we are nothing and useless.
Let’s pray.
Dear Daddy God,
We thank you for giving us your Holy Spirit to encourage, to empower and to transform us to be the person you want us to be. Father, have your way in us. We want to do your will not our will. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!
Monday, April 09, 2012
To Answer Your PRAYERS!
God is Able by Hillsong
Lifted up
He defeated the grave
Raised to life
Our God is able
In His name
We overcome
For the Lord
Our God is able
Do you know why Jesus was raise to life? Not because He wants to be seated at the right hand of the Father and not because for the second coming. Jesus Christ was lifted up and was raised to life because He wants to answer your prayers!
Now, if you think that God is not answering your prayers, wait patiently and confidently (Romans 8:25, NLT), dude! Just wait for His perfect timing and that His business (Acts 1:7, TMSG). He will grant your petitions because He is able and He loves you!
Let’s pray.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We thank you for our elderly brother Jesus. We thank you for answering our prayers according to your will because we know that is the best for us. We love you. In Jesus’ most powerful name. Amen!
Sunday, April 08, 2012
Apostle Peter and John
The Catalyst Network had their first ever Encounter God Weekend last April 5-7 at Mt. Peniel, Tarlac. This EGW is one of the best highlights of my Christian walk this 2012.
While our group is going back home, we are listening to Joyce Meyer podcast. In her message, she said that Apostle Peter loves to say “I love Jesus” (Read John 21:15-17). On the other hand, Apostle John loves to say “I am the disciple whom Jesus loved”.
Yesterday, while I’m washing our clothes, I had a revelation of what Joyce Meyer message. Saying “I love Jesus” is different to “I am loved by Jesus”. It’s easy for us to say “I love Jesus” but do we truly love Him constantly? I mean, do we love Him 100% whether our circumstance is favorable or not? I bet not, let us read the scripture below.
54 So they arrested him and led him to the high priest’s home. And Peter followed at a distance.55 The guards lit a fire in the middle of the courtyard and sat around it, and Peter joined them there.56 A servant girl noticed him in the firelight and began staring at him. Finally she said, “This man was one of Jesus’ followers!” 57 But Peter denied it. “Woman,” he said, “I don’t even know him!” 58 After a while someone else looked at him and said, “You must be one of them!” “No, man, I’m not!” Peter retorted. 59 About an hour later someone else insisted, “This must be one of them, because he is a Galilean, too.” 60 But Peter said, “Man, I don’t know what you are talking about.” And immediately, while he was still speaking, the rooster crowed. 61 At that moment the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Suddenly, the Lord’s words flashed through Peter’s mind: “Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny three times that you even know me.” 62 And Peter left the courtyard, weeping bitterly.
We know that Peter loves Jesus but when the circumstance is not favorable, he denied Him three times.
We also know that we are loved by Jesus. We know that He loves us e HHHeconstantly, His love endures forever. His love never fails and never changes and His love for us is stubborn. Even though we sinned countless times against Him, He always forgives us. That’s how stubborn is love for us.
May you enlighten to this revelation today that no matter what you do, you are loved by Jesus constantly. And this is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for you and for me. (1 John 3:16, NIV)
Let’s pray.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We come to you today with a grateful heart. We thank you for loving us unconditionally and stubbornly. We love you too. In Jesus’ most precious name. Amen!
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For God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable. – Romans 11:29, NIV
About Me
- Glaiza Samson-Siron
- A seeker and lover of our Lord Jesus Christ. A favored princess who is patiently waiting for our King’s promises comes to pass. A child of the Most High God who is hungry and thirsty to our Abba Father’s words. A person who wants to be the person God wants her to be.
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