Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Title: Brave Faith
By: Pastor Anthony Martinez

Psalm 16:8, NLT, “I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me.”

A solid faith is the foundation that cultivates brave faith. This kind of faith encourages us to follow Him and to take risks and eventually step out of the boat and walk on water.

Brave faith lets us do the right thing no matter what the circumstances are. We do not base our decisions on what we see but we put our absolute trust in God’s purpose and plan for us, even if we not see them.

Fortune favors the brave. The adventures of brave faith begin with God’s faithfulness and yours. Your brave faith is a recipe for miracles.

Credits to HisLife Publication


For God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable. – Romans 11:29, NIV

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Glaiza Samson-Siron
A seeker and lover of our Lord Jesus Christ. A favored princess who is patiently waiting for our King’s promises comes to pass. A child of the Most High God who is hungry and thirsty to our Abba Father’s words. A person who wants to be the person God wants her to be.
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