Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Mentoring

After weeks of requesting for Pastor Dan to mentor me, we finally meet last night! Wooohooo! At first, we are having difficulty to our schedule because Pastor Ru asked favor to him. They distributed the new book of Pastor Ru entitled Refueled to different schools in Angeles City.

Our supposed to be 5:30 meet up became 6:30PM. Whew! While walking we are deciding which restaurant/fast food we are going to eat and chat. We went to Chowking. When we enter the premise, we saw familiar faces, the P’Family. I introduced my good friend Darby to Pastor Dan then we left the resto and go to Mister Frosty.

While we are waiting for our food to be served, we already start our mentoring. First, he asked about our DGROUP and my life group. I told him the truth. Hehehe. Our leader is having difficulty to some to our kapatids (spiritual siblings) that is why Jeng is asking for our (Tina and I) help and I am now handling 3 disciples in my LG. He told me about discipline. Discipline is hard. Sometimes it will make the members cries but you are doing it for their own good. But too much discipline will make them fear you. Before, when he is still in the 12 (or disciples) of Pastor Ru, he is feared by his disciples because of his iron hand discipline. But God taught him about love… about perfect love. Perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18, NIV). The youth fears him meaning the love that he has for them is not perfect. He dealt with that until his loves became his strength in dealing with the youth.

Of course, our conversation is a 2-way street. I told him about my struggles in my work. 2 days ago, he asked me if I’m still enjoying my work and I answered, “Dad gives me a new challenge. I was transferred to a different division. I am afraid that I might not contribute well to the group. I am intimidated to the former PDOs. But I am encouraging myself that God will help me through this. He won’t give me something I cannot do. That is why the message last Sunday fits me. I have to be confident and to be creative. God knows what we need at the exact time.”

He confessed a funny testimony to me. He told me, the first time I saw you; you are standing in the pulpit. You are exhorting Love Offering that time. I cut him, “Ihhh… don’t mention it. I don’t want to remember my LO thingy. I’m too shy and scared that time”. Then he continued, I said to myself, “God! What a beautiful lady!” We both laughed to what he said. I told him, “Jorge also said that to me. In front of Ate Erika.” “Really?” he answered “and regarding your LO, we are blessed to what you exhorted”. Then I remembered Pastor Anthony commend the LO message. “The second time I saw you was when you are in the canteen,” he continued. “Yes, I told you about Darby’s dream. In his dream, he saw you inside a coffin and Tito Noel is playing in your funeral.”

Our conversation also went about love life. Harhar! I told him, “The youths kept on asking about my age. I told them, if I’m going to tell you, will you pray for my BPIL? They are willing to pray for my BPIL that is why I revealed my age to them. And age is just a number.” Then he asked me, “How will you know if the person is the right for you?” “You will just feel and know it,” I answered. “Right. Because you are the only person who will feel and know about it,” he said.

Before we part ways, I told Pastor Dan to pray for me. “Okay, what is your prayer request,” he asked. “As I told you earlier, I have new challenges in my work. I’m asking for God’s confidence, creativity and wisdom.” He prayed for me in the street.

Let’s pray.

Dear Daddy God,

Thank you for the confidence, creativity and wisdom you’ve given each one of us. Thank you for the people you are using to teach me your words. Also thank you for the life of Pastor Dan. Continue to give him love, strength, boldness and wisdom in sharing your gospel to your people. Father, bless his family, his heart, his hands, and his ministry. We bring you back all the glory, honor and blessing. In Jesus’ name. Amen!


For God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable. – Romans 11:29, NIV

About Me

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Glaiza Samson-Siron
A seeker and lover of our Lord Jesus Christ. A favored princess who is patiently waiting for our King’s promises comes to pass. A child of the Most High God who is hungry and thirsty to our Abba Father’s words. A person who wants to be the person God wants her to be.
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