Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Discerned Birthday Surprise

Last night, while Beth, Maria and I are having dinner, I discern something to happen after Sunday Celebration (which is today). My heart is filled with joy and excitement. Then I told Beth, “I discern something will happen tomorrow. I can feel that my Life group will surprise me. I just can’t explain it. I’m overwhelmed to this feeling. If there is no surprise, it’s okay. If there is, then my gift of discernment is now active”.

When I got home, I’m still overwhelmed to the feeling. I can’t contain it. I even told my siblings about my discernment. I prepare my dress for Sunday Celebration but I can’t see a dress that would fit for the surprise party. Then I told God to choose a dress for me.

The next day which is Sunday, I’m still excited to see what will happen, if my discernment will come true or not. I came late and my friend waits for me for about 20 minutes or more (Sorry, D). During the celebration, I’m observing the actions of my life group. I saw my leader looking for something or someone; I can feel that she is looking for me because she didn’t saw me before the celebration begin. Darby excused himself to go to the wash room. After 5-10 minutes I received a text message from him that they did not allow him to enter the sanctuary anymore and he decided to go home instead and he instructed me to safe keep his belongings.

After the celebration, I went over to my life group to join them. We are left inside the sanctuary because we wanted the people to leave first before we go out. But little did I know is that my life group leader is already talking to the music ministry team if they can sing a “Happy Birthday” song for me but they told her that she needs to get an approval to Dada first. The others kept on talking to me to call my attention. Then all of a sudden Darby came in with a cake on his hand and my life group began to sing a Happy Birthday song to me. I am touched and overwhelmed to their surprise for me and especially to the participation of Darby because I never expected and discerned it!

Here are the captured moments of the discerned surprise for me…

After the celebration...

I am so blessed to have you in my life, guys! Thank you so much!

Wrong spelling of name is wrong! hehehe!

Let’s pray.

Dear Daddy God,

I super thank you for blessing me a wonderful and lovable sisters/life group in my life. I super thank you for their love, encouragement, support and comfort. Father, continue to bless our life group with genuine love, pure joy and sustain us with your grace. Also, I super duper thank you for the gift of discernment. I will use it for your greater glory. I love you, Dad! In Jesus’ name. Amen!


For God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable. – Romans 11:29, NIV

About Me

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Glaiza Samson-Siron
A seeker and lover of our Lord Jesus Christ. A favored princess who is patiently waiting for our King’s promises comes to pass. A child of the Most High God who is hungry and thirsty to our Abba Father’s words. A person who wants to be the person God wants her to be.
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